CS2113/T 2018 nested
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  • Project: v1.1 [week 7] Project: v1.2 [week 9]

    Project → mid-v1.2 [week 8]

    Overview: adjust project schedule/rigor as needed, complete repo set up, start proper milestone management

    Project Management:

    • Complete the repo set up.

      • Fix any errors in org/repo set up  (e.g. wrong repo name).
      • Set up auto-publishing of docs if you haven't done so already
    • Adjust project rigor to suit your team's pace, as explained below. Note that you are free to do similar adjustments at any future time in the project.

      • Automated tests have benefits, but they can be a pain to write/maintain; GUI tests are especially hard to maintain because their behavior can sometimes depend on things such as the OS, resolution etc.

        It is OK to get rid of some of the troublesome tests and rely more on manual testing instead. The less automated test coverage you have, the higher the risk of regressions; but it may be an acceptable trade-off under the circumstances if tests are slowing you down too much. There is no direct penalty for removing GUI tests.

        Also note our expectation on test code.

      • You can also reduce the rigor of checkstyle checks to expedite PR processing.

      • Another thing you can do is to switch to a simpler workflow if the forking workflow is slowing you down.

    • There is no requirement for a minimum coverage level. Note that in a production environment you are often required to have at least 90% of the code covered by tests. In this project, it can be less. The less coverage you have, the higher the risk of regression bugs, which will cost marks if not fixed before the final submission.
    • You must write some tests so that we can evaluate your ability to write tests.
    • How much of each type of testing should you do? We expect you to decide. You learned different types of testing and what they try to achieve. Based on that, you should decide how much of each type is required. Similarly, you can decide to what extent you want to automate tests, depending on the benefits and the effort required.
    • Applying TDD is optional. If you plan to test something, it is better to apply TDD because TDD ensures that you write functional code in a testable way. If you do it the normal way, you often find that it is hard to test the functional code because the code has low testability.
    • Adjust project plan if necessary, as explained below. Note that you are free to do similar adjustments at any future time in the project.

      • Now that you have a some idea about the code base, revisit the feature release plan and adjust it if necessary. The adjustment can be done using GitHub issue tracker.
    • Start proper milestone management

      • ❗️ Starting from the upcoming milestone, there are additional requirements to follow regarding how you use GitHub to manage your milestones, as described in [Admin Appendix E: GitHub: Project Schedule Tracking].
    • As before, you are recommended (but not required) to follow the forking workflow when evolving the product.

    Project Schedule Tracking

    In general, use the issue tracker (Milestones, Issues, PRs, Tags, Releases, and Labels) for assigning, scheduling, and tracking all noteworthy project tasks, including user stories. Update the issue tracker regularly to reflect the current status of the project. You can also use GitHub's new Projects feature to manage the project, but keep it linked to the issue tracker as much as you can.

    Using Issues:

    • Record each of the user stories you plan to deliver as an issue in the issue tracker. e.g. Title: As a user I can add a deadline
      Description: ... so that I can keep track of my deadlines

    • Assign the type.* and priority.* labels to those issues.

    • When you start implementing a story, break it down to tasks. Define reasonable sized, standalone tasks. A task should be able to done by one person, in a few hours. e.g.

      • 👍 Good: Update class diagram in the project manual for v1.4
      • 👎 Bad (reasons: not a one-person task, not small enough): Write the project manual
    • Write a descriptive title for the issue. e.g. Add support for the 'undo' command to the parser.

    • There is no need to break things into VERY small tasks. Keep them as big as possible, but they should be no bigger than what you are going to assign a single person to do within a week. eg.,

      • Implementing parser  : too big because it cannot be done by a single person in a week.
      • Implementing parser support for adding of floating tasks : appropriate size.
    • Do not track things taken for granted. e.g., push code to repo should not be a task to track. In the example given under the previous point, it is taken for granted that the owner will also (a) test the code and (b) push to the repo when it is ready. Those two need not be tracked as separate tasks.

    • Omit redundant details. In some cases, the summary/title is enough to describe the task. In that case, no need to repeat it in the description. There is no need for well-crafted and detailed descriptions for tasks. A minimal description is enough. Similarly, labels such as priority can be omitted if you think they don't help you.

    • Assign tasks to team members using the assignees field. At any point, there should be some ongoing tasks and some pending tasks against each team member.

    • Optionally, you can use status.ongoing label to indicate issues currently ongoing.

    Using Milestones:

    • Use GitHub milestones to indicate which issues are to be handled for which milestone by assigning issues to suitable milestones.

    • Set the deadlines for milestones (in GitHub). Your internal milestones can be set earlier than the deadlines we have set, to give you a buffer.

    • Note that you can change the milestone plan along the way as necessary.

    Wrapping up a Milestone:
    Here are the conditions to satisfy for a milestone to be considered properly wrapped up:

    • A working product tagged with the correct tag (e.g. v1.2) is pushed to the main repo.

    • All tests passing on Travis for the version tagged above.

    • Milestone updated to match the product i.e. all issues completed and PRs merged for the milestone should be assigned to the milestone.

    • Milestone closed. If there are incomplete issues or unmerged PRs in the milestone, move them to a future milestone.

    • Optionally, issues for the next milestone are assigned to team members (this is not compulsory to do before the tutorial, but we recommend you to do it soon after the tutorial).

    • Optionally, future milestones are revised based on what you experienced in the current milestone  e.g. if you could not finish all issues assigned to the current milestone, it is a sign that you overestimated how much you can do in a week, which means you might want to reduce the issues assigned to future milestones to match that observation.

    • Doing a 'release' on GitHub is optional for v1.1 and v1.2 but compulsory from v1.3.


    • From v1.2 onwards each member is expected to contribute some code to each milestone, preferably each week; only merged code is considered as contributions (Reason).
      If an enhancement is too big to complete in one milestone, try to deliver it in smaller incremental steps e.g. deliver a basic version of the enhancement first.

    Project: v1.1 [week 7] Project: v1.2 [week 9]